Wednesday, February 03, 2010


Just to let you know: the beret is fixed and done and I wore it today. Love it.

Monday, February 01, 2010

One of these days

That would be today. Nothing goes right, child is cranky, makes me cranky.

Knitting a simple beret. Had to rip twice already. It's done now. Or so I think. It's too big. Rrrrrip.

Not to mention the countless scream fests we had today, and I had no clue why or what to do about it. Somehow the day went by only to end with another bang.

Child usually goes to bed without any drama. Not so tonight. Am close to nervous breakdown, but manage to stay calm. Child still doesn't sleep. Her dad is on sleep duty now while I hide in the office.

Please keep your fingers crossed that tomorrow will be better! Thanks, that would be all.