Well, yes, that would be me. The girl (ahem, rather: woman) working in a
yarn store. Making money by selling lovely yarn, advising people with their knitting...and, most of it:
Having time for selfish knitting! Over the last six months I have been knitting for myself more than in six years time. It's fantastic. I'd forgotten how that goes.
This year alone I have knit EIGHT sweaters etc. for myself (not all of them a success, but that's another story) and several other smaller things. Then there are some gifts and store samples...I can't believe I've been that productive and didn't have to give most of it away. Also, I've been choosing fun projects, meaning they were quite a digression from what I would have knit three years ago. FUN!
That's why my designing life got put on hold - more or less. I haven't given up designing, but I think I needed a real break. I won't deny it's hard to go back, but there are some ideas that need attending to!
Egg has been going to daycare since last August, she's loving it and I'm loving that. It's easier to have a life on your own when you know your kid is happy, too.
Life is good. (Apart from the trouble with my teeth. But, honestly, WHO wants to know about that?)
Two of my favourite knits:

Carol Feller's
"Adrift" (Ravelry link) in Noro Sekku