She usually falls asleep while nursing, and it works (mostly) well. Now, it's been very hot the last couple of days and she just wouldn't. This afternoon after two failed attempts she was sitting on the floor so tired she almost keeled over. So - hard hearted Mommy that I am - put her in her bed without nursing and awake (gasp!). There was some wailing, some "mamamamamaaa" going on but after five minutes it was suspiciously quiet. Don't you know it, she was out like a light. Mind you, it doesn't work all the time, and I prefer her going to sleep happily, but I'm glad she's napping for now!
The heat is slowly but surely driving me insane (ah well, not far to go anyways) and it's not even been a hot summer so far...
I finished some knitting for Egg. For some unfathomable reason she likes my knitting and also playing with it, so here's her first knitted blankie:
The "Moderne Baby Blanket" from Mason Dixon Knitting. Lots of garter, soothing to the tortured soul. Sometimes. Other times it is torture.
Egg says "hi" - here she is today before her oh so needed nap:
Same thing with my niece today. My sister was away for a couple of weeks and I couldn't babysit last weekend so it was my first time trying to get her to nap in a while. Tried everything until I reverted back to the technique I used before my sister went out of town: simply putting her in her playpen and wait until she fell asleep. She wailed, she fought but less then 10 minutes later, she went down...
Sean usually fights his naps, but not Mack yet. I feel for you. I understand how precious nap time is! I hope she gives you some "you" time :)
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