An orange bag filled with strange and wonderful goodies my sister sent me. It is going to be my "knitting bag".

Sock yarn!!!!

Bedlinen in an outrageous, lovely, lobster colour.

"Set yourself on fire" from the "Stars". They are based in Montreal and make good music, uhm, that is, we like it!
Favourite movie
I haven't watched it this year (yet) but ever since it came out "Love actually" is my favourite Christmas movie. It replaced my childhood favourite Three wishes for Cinderella" which I still like to watch once in a while. (Yeah, I know, I am such a girl.)
The "Lord of the Rings" trilogy will be forever lodged in my mind with christmassy feelings, it's a close runner up.
Favourite food
Mary's Santa cookies. They not only taste good but look fantastic. I have no picture because I had only two and they were gobbled up too quickly.
Favourite moment
Yesterday when we played "Cranium" and I couldn't hum "Take on me" by A-HA for the life of me. I just had to laugh so hard, it was impossible to do it!! Well, the time Cerrie guessed "babysitting" correctly when I had just drawn something resembling a face - that's a close second!
Favourite knitting
Ahem, yes, that would be this:
Made on Saturday, it was a gift for Cerrie so it had to be finished on time, no?
And this:
That would be mine. Started yesterday and just finished before dinner. The black one is actually for Rolf.
Talking about an OCD knitter, having to do everything thrice in three days time...
Dear knitters who left a comment about the Embossed Leaves socks: Thank you! I would LOOOOVE to see them, send a picture if you can! (mona.strickt at gmail dot com)
hey thanks! i feel honoured that my santa heads made it to the list. i'll try to dig up a picture for you
have a great new year!
That looks like a lotta sock yarn. Have fun!
Hi Mona,
thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment! And thank you so much for a beautiful sock pattern, it's really well-written and easy to understand, even for a sock-knitting-beginner like me. :-) I can't wait to have mu both socks finished.
take care!
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