I am going to have a job. A real 9-5 job. And, it is all to do with yarn, knitting and designing. I should put an exclamation mark behind those three sentences, because I am going to get paid for what I like doing best!! I kind of start hyperventilating every time I think of it. Hand me the brown paper bag, please!
About my present knitting project: I am labouring under the delusion that I will be able to finish a lace shawl till October 11 when my husband is flying to Germany to attend a wedding. It's supposed to be a gift for the bride, should I be able to part with it, that is. If it wasn't for the new job and other things I have to knit, I might have been able to pull it off. I could also try to put aside sleeping for awhile, Halloween is coming up anyway, so the ghoulish look is in, dontcha think?

And now please excuse my excited self - eight of us, i.e. Montreal knitters, will be off tomorrow morning to the Sheep and Wool Festival in Vermont to have a little fun. You know, just the girls...and lotsa yarn and everything to do with it. We're gonna stay over night and will be back Sunday evening.
Congratulations, officially Mona!!!!!!!!!!
What's the job, exactly? details, pls...
And I'm going to Vermont only for tomorrow...no one's told me when you're leaving, where from, etc, but I will try to find you all anyway.
Wow--good for you!
Congratulations on your Official New Job !
i am very very happy for you.
And, i hope you're taking lots of photos on your knitting get away weekend. i can't wait to hear all about it !
Congrats again on the job, I really envy you!
I hope you all had fun in Vermont :)
I'm so happy for you Mona..this is the best news :) I can't wait to see some of your designs :) Best of luck in your new venture :) I hope you do get your shawl finished before the 11th
I hope you'll tell us more about the JOB. And that you can forego sleep in order to get the shawl done. Wish I cold have drifted up East to go to the festival... Aren't those fiber bearing animals somethng?
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