Friday, October 29, 2004

Facts of life vol.1: Caffeine

I found something out about me last night. Or should I say the "ongoing night" - it's five a.m. for cryin' out loud!! I found out that I am not immune to caffeine after all. I, who is well known for her sleeping capacity, i.e. falling asleep in minutes and sleeping for very long hours, am incapable of going back to sleep after waking up ca. 55 min. or so ago. It must be the "I am too old for this"-thing. I usually don't have trouble going back to sleep no matter when I wake up. Note to self: don't ingest a large latte after 7 p.m. or pay the price...come to think of it, I believe I did have the same problem the last time after my little knit outing. Hm...I guess this qualifies me as a slow learner.

I got to have a look at Jo's Clapotis last night. It's very soft and cuddly. And the colour is really nice, too. I am very tempted to start one myself...

Not that I need enabling when it comes to buying yarn, fondling swatches of a mixture of alpaca and silk makes it even easier - it's just my budget that keeps me from doing so. Darn. Maybe I should have another look at the job offers today...

Later that day:
It must be the after effect of sleep deprivation (or maybe the subtle hints my husband gave me) that made me do it. You want to now what makes me pull my hair? I put in a job application. Not that I haven't done it before, so far it was just to no avail. This time I actually think I have a chance and that scares me. What do I need a 40 hour job for? When I was joking about the job offers this morning I certainly wasn't thinking of really doing something about it - at least not in the 40 hours range. And so it goes...

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